Mission-Driven, Impact-Focused.

At Resource Central, we believe in implementing high-impact conservation programs that get results. Last year we helped more than 110,000 families save water, conserve energy, and reduce waste. Take a closer look at some of the ways we have leveraged your support to drive measurable conservation results in communities across Colorado with programs that are increasingly becoming a national model for advancing sustainability.

View our Impact Report & Resource Central’s 12-month impact

2022 – 2023 Impact

2021 – 2022 Impact

2020 – 2021 Impact

2019 – 2020 Impact

2018 – 2019 Impact

2017 – 2018 Impact

2016 Impact

2015 Impact

Our Annual Impact

Resource Central Impact


Total People Served Annually

Resource Central worked with approximately 70,000 community members this past year, to help them live more sustainably. Thanks to your support, our conservation programs continue to flourish and expand, helping an even broader community put conservation into action.


Pounds of Material Diverted

Our materials reuse program diverted more than 3.3 million pounds of building material from landfills in 2020. That is the equivalent of 750,000 people producing no trash for one full day. Home deconstruction produces an average of 150 tons of waste per house. Deconstructing a home prevents 110 to 140 tons of material from entering a landfill. In addition, the EPA estimates that the equivalent of 250,000 single-family homes are disposed of each year, containing an estimated 1 billion-plus board feet of available salvageable structural lumber. Reusing this lumber would save 4,250,000 trees on 150,000 acres of timberland annually!


Gallons of Water Saved

Resource Central’s water conservation programs helped families conserve more than 128 million gallons of water in 2020. Through partnerships with more than thirty water utilities, our water programs support urban and suburban water conservation efforts throughout the Front Range.


Xeriscape Gardens Planted

In 2020, Garden In A Box delivered more than 5,200 low-water perennial gardens to families in Colorado. By planting these gardens, we converted more than 327,000 square feet of landscape  into xeriscape gardens, reducing water use by up to 60%. Planting these beautiful gardens, some 30,000 gardens since program inception, will result in water savings of more than 100 million gallons of water.


Students Engaged in Conservation

In 2018, Renew Our Schools clean energy competitions have challenged over 21,000 students to find ways to help their 20 respective schools reduce energy demand of more than 10% and have served as a catalyst of change, for continued energy savings in schools while promoting STEM learning across a new generation of students.

Community Impact

Last year you joined approximately 70,000 others in putting conservation into action. If we all gathered to celebrate our achievements, we would just about fill the house at Mile High Stadium in Denver! Your individual actions create significant conservation impact, ensuring that our community will continue to thrive. We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and of our growing community. Next year, let’s fill an Olympic stadium!

dollarYou Can Make an Impact

Your gift is put to work directly in the community, allowing our reach and impact to occur right in your backyard. With your support, we can expand our programs, leverage our expertise to build new conservation programs, and engage the larger sustainability community in active ways that have a positive and measurable impact.

Please make a gift today to support more and better sustainability programs across Colorado.

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