Welcome a gaggle of Colorado pollinators to your yard with the Pollinator Playground garden. Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies alike will benefit from the kaleidoscope of color in this garden. Four season interest starts with the European Pasque Flower and extends through the winter with the semi-evergreen foliage of Pineleaf Penstemon and russet tufts of Little Bluestem Grass. Designed by Chris Woods of Woods Landscape Design.
Product Details
- Great for areas that receive 6+ hours of sun per day.
- 12 low-water, high-color, & beginner-friendly perennial varieties.
- Designed with pollinators in mind.
- A mosaic of color with four season interest!
Plant Varieties
Angelina Sedum
Quantity: 3
Blanket Flower
Quantity: 2
Blue Grama Grass
Quantity: 1
European Pasque Flower
Quantity: 5
Quantity: 2
Little Bluestem Grass
Quantity: 3
Missouri Evening Primrose
Quantity: 1
Pineleaf Penstemon
Quantity: 2
Rocky Mountain Penstemon
Quantity: 3
Showy Fleabane
Quantity: 2
Sunset Hyssop
Quantity: 1
Yellow Columbine
Quantity: 3
About Your Garden In A Box

- Occasionally things don't grow as planned. At times, we may have to substitute specific plants but we will always do our best to maintain the feel and intention of the original design.
- All orders must be picked up at designated pickup events throughout Colorado.
- All gardens are intended to be planted in either spring or late summer/fall depending on your pickup date.
- The starter plants will be small relative to their mature size and may not be in bloom upon pickup.
- View the FAQs page for more details.
What Customers Say
Easy and Educational
I think the program is excellent! I was so impressed with the paperwork that came with the plants and I have learned a lot about the plants and their positive effects on the environment!
City of Louisville participant
Community Focused
I loved that it felt like a community program. Many companies offer something similar online, but this felt local and locally invested.
City of Longmont participant
Moving Toward a Lawn-Free Yard!
Incredible program! We wouldn’t have converted our lawn without this program - and we are so happy we did !!
Bancroft-Clover WSD participant