Garden in a Box

Native Shadows – LR

Low-water perennial garden kit including 29 adaptable plants.


Sponsored $25 discounts are applied at checkout, when available. Learn more here.


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Green and white icon displaying garden bed dimensions with the text "29 plants 100 sq ft" underneath, Grey and white Letter N icon with the text "29 of 29 plants are native" underneath, Yellow and white icon with the words "adaptable exposure (4-6 hours of sun)" underneathRed and white icon of flower blooms with the text "blooms late spring to fall" underneath, Teal and white icon of a butterfly with the text "attracts pollinators" underneath, Navy and white icon with a mountain image with the text "hardy to 7,000 feet in altitude" underneath

Brighten the areas of your yard receiving less sun during the day with Native Shadows, our first garden for shadier areas with plants all native to our region. Native pollinators will delight in the bright and fragrant blooms that thrive all season long in your areas of dappled shade. Designed by Desneige Sodano of Chickadee Pine Design, in collaboration with Nature in the City.

Looking for more than one Colorado native garden? Pair Native Shadows with Colorado Oasis and our Nine Pack: Natives to create an even larger oasis for our native pollinators. When you purchase all three, receive a special Plant by Number map that combines the gardens into a 180 square foot design.

Product Details

  • Great for areas that don't receive 6 hours of sun per day.
  • All plants are native to Colorado.
  • Customer favorite!
  • Anise Hyssop

    Anise Hyssop

    Quantity: 2

  • Firecracker Penstemon

    Firecracker Penstemon

    Quantity: 5

  • Native Black-Eyed Susan

    Native Black-Eyed Susan

    Quantity: 2

  • Native Blue Harebell

    Native Blue Harebell

    Quantity: 6

  • Smooth Aster

    Smooth Aster

    Quantity: 3

  • Rocky Mountain Columbine

    Rocky Mountain Columbine

    Quantity: 5

  • Showy Fleabane

    Showy Fleabane

    Quantity: 4

  • Switchgrass


    Quantity: 2

About Your Garden In A Box

  • Occasionally things don't grow as planned. At times, we may have to substitute specific plants but we will always do our best to maintain the color and feel of the original design.
  • All orders must be picked up at designated pickup events throughout Colorado.
  • All gardens are intended to be planted in either spring or late summer/fall depending on your pickup date.
  • The starter plants will be small relative to their mature size and may not be in bloom upon pickup.
  • View the FAQs page for more details.

What Customers Say

Grow Your Green Thumb

I am so pleased with how healthy, tall and good looking the new plants are! The hand out is very helpful, straight forward, with simple and clear instructions. I feel like you helped me grow a green thumb.

City of Greeley participant

Save Water, Support Pollinators!

I love the combinations of plants in the [gardens]. The colors are great and the flowers blooming at different times is important to keep butterflies and hummingbirds active in my yard!

City of Lafayette participant

Easy, Beautiful Gardens for Beginners

I love, love, love your program! Your plants are always in excellent shape when they arrive, and the whole experience is wonderful. I've gone from scrubby looking grass to a gorgeous front yard, with virtually no prior experience with gardening.

City of Longmont participant