Learn to Landscape with Less Water
Our free, online Waterwise Yard Seminars are taught by local landscape and horticultural professionals. Get your landscaping questions answered and learn how to keep your yard looking great while using less water. Seminar topics range from low-water landscape design, xeric plant selection, smart irrigation, and more. Both novice and advanced gardeners are sure to learn something new. Seminars are held virtually, via Zoom.
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Learn and Grow with our Seminar Series
New this year, we’re offering series-based seminars designed to help you master key topics step-by-step! Build your knowledge and confidence by progressing through 3-part sessions focused on creating a stunning, waterwise yard.
Check out this year’s offerings, and be sure to register for all seminars in a series to continue learning throughout the season:
🌼 Xeriscaping Basics – Learn the principles of xeriscaping with Intro To Xeriscape (completed), Getting to Know Colorado Native Plants, and Right Plant, Right Place… Right Practice!.
💧 Smart Irrigation – Take a deeper dive into smart water usage in your yard with Getting to Know Your Sprinkler System, Improving Your Sprinkler System, and Perennial Garden Irrigation.
🌱 Turf Transformation – Explore how to transform your turf yard to a waterwise space with Planting a Native Grass Lawn, Turf Transformation: Planning and Removal, and Turf Transformation: Converting the Space.
This Year’s Seminars
Designing Rain Gardens: A Permaculture Perspective
Tues. February 18, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Are you eager to channel the run-off from your roof and hardscapes into your landscape to maximize diverse vegetation? This webinar, grounded in permaculture design techniques, will overview how to calculate rain water runoff and design appropriately sized catchments, select and design appropriate plant communities for intermittent dry and wet periods, and turn your soil into a living sponge. Great for intermediate level gardeners.
Presented by Amy Scanes-Wolfe of Boulder Permaculture & The Niwot Homestead
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Planting a Native Grass Lawn
Tues. February 25, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Looking for a low-maintenance alternative to a traditional lawn? Consider planting native grasses in your yard! These waterwise grasses require less work and reflect the beauty and resilience of Colorado’s natural grasslands. Catherine will guide you through selecting the right native grass and provide installation and care tips for the best results. Great for all levels of gardeners.
🌱 This seminar is part of our Turf Transformation series.
Presented by Catherine Moravec of Native Grass Working Group
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Getting to Know Your Sprinkler System
Thurs. March 6, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Is your sprinkler system a mystery to you? Learn about the basics, such as sprinkler system components, making simple adjustments, and irrigation scheduling. Take control of your watering! Great for beginner gardeners.
💧 This seminar is part of our Smart Irrigation series.
Presented by Lisa Anderson of Resource Central
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Getting to Know Colorado Native Plants
Tues. March 11, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Learn which native plant species are suited to your region, soil type, and climate, ensuring your garden thrives with minimal maintenance. Learn about great alternatives to conventional landscape plants and the ecological benefits they provide to create a vibrant and biodiverse landscape. Perfect for home gardeners, landscapers, and gardening enthusiasts, this seminar will provide practical knowledge to help you make informed plant choices that harmonize beauty, functionality, and sustainability. Great for all levels of gardeners.
🌼 This seminar is part of our Xeriscaping Basics series.
Presented by Deryn Davidson of CSU Extension
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Spring Maintenance: Prepping Your Space For Waterwise Planting
Wed. March 19, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Learn best management practices for spring cleanup and garden bed preparation for the new season. This seminar will provide a spring to-do list for those entering their first season with a waterwise garden or those who are looking to add waterwise garden space to their yard for the first time. Great for beginner gardeners.
Presented by Joe Schneider of Western States Reclamation
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Fire-Resistant Landscaping: Design and Materials
Tues. March 25, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Learn how to create and maintain low-water landscapes that save water and protect property. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Christine Woods of Woods Landscape Design, LLC
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Introducing the DIY Landscape Transformation Guide
Thurs. March 27, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), Denver Water, & Resource Central teamed up to create a simple & comprehensive, step-by-step guide for all Coloradans looking to complete a waterwise landscape project. Join this webinar to walk through what’s covered in the guide and how best to use it to complete your own landscape transformation. Following the guide walk-through, the team will hold a Q&A session to answer any questions from attendees. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Bea Stratton of Denver Water, Jenna Battson of CWCB, and Ali Colbert of Resource Central
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Improving Your Sprinkler System
Thurs. April 3, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Looking to optimize your outdoor water use? Learn about DIY maintenance, drip irrigation, smart technology, and more. Level up your sprinkler game! Best for intermediate level gardeners.
💧 This seminar is part of our Smart Irrigation series.
Presented by Neka Sunlin of Resource Central
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Creating Pollinator, Edible, and Nature-Connected Gardens & Landscapes
Thurs. April 10, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Aaron Michael of Earth Love Gardens will share best practices through his experience of designing and creating pollinator, bird-friendly and edible gardens and landscapes. Topics shared will include utilizing native plants and other elements for wildlife habitat, growing in raised garden beds, year-round growing with hoop houses and cold frames, perennial edible plants, permaculture practices, and more. Through the theme of connecting with nature, Aaron will also share how gardens and landscapes offer the opportunity to further benefit our health and well-being as individuals, the community, and the ecosystem. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Aaron Michael of Earth Love Gardens
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Right Plant, Right Place… Right Practice!
Wed. April 16, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
The Front Range along the Colorado Rockies, as well as the Intermountain Western United States, is part of one of the major steppe regions of the world, and as such has challenging climactic conditions. Successful landscape design in the steppe region demands specific horticultural best practices that are unique to this geographic region. Sustainable landscape design provides a sense of place by using the design principle right plant, right place. Join us as we discuss right practice – tips developed at Denver Botanic Gardens to ensure long-term, functioning landscapes in our unique steppe climate. We’ll discuss soil amendments, planting practices, watering recommendations, mulch, and of course – plants! Great for all levels of gardeners.
🌼 This seminar is part of our Xeriscaping Basics series.
Presented by Laura Swain of Denver Botanic Gardens
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Earth Day for Pollinators
Tues. April 22, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Let’s look a little at the history of Earth Day and discuss ideas you can incorporate into your landscape to help our local wildlife and pollinators. The class will cover some history of Earth Day as well as landscape planning and a little dive into pollinators you may find in your landscape. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Cassey Anderson of CSU Extension
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Considering the Needs of Trees in Waterwise Landscapes
Thurs. April 24, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Most of our landscapes are considered to be “mixed use” and have trees, turf, shrubs, and perennials coexisting together. When implementing waterwise landscaping practices, it’s important to consider the needs of trees, including water, culture, and care. This presentation will also cover tree selection for lower-water-use landscapes. Great for intermediate level gardeners.
Presented by Alison O’Connor of CSU Extension in Larimer County
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Preparing for Spring in the Garden: Master Gardener Q&A
Tues. April 29, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Get your landscape and garden off to a strong start with the help of CSU Extension’s science-backed information. Master Gardener volunteers will dig into the basics of soil prep and irrigation techniques for home gardens, followed by a Q&A session to answer all of your gardening questions. Great for beginner gardeners.
Presented by Master Gardeners of CSU Extension Boulder County
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Perennial Garden Irrigation | Riego de jardines perennes
Thurs. May 8, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
*Spanish translation is available during this seminar!
Learn about watering waterwise perennial gardens for establishment and long term success. In this webinar, Joe Schneider will discuss everything from types of irrigation to irrigation adjustments for your garden. Dive into information that will assist in maximizing water savings while maintaining a healthy and beautiful waterwise perennial garden. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Acceda a información sobre el riego de jardines perennes de consumo de agua eficiente para lograr un establecimiento y un éxito a largo plazo. En este seminario, Joe Schneider cubrirá todos los temas, desde los tipos de riego hasta las modificaciones del riego para su jardín. Sumérjase en información que lo ayudará a maximizar el ahorro de agua y, al mismo tiempo, mantener un jardín perenne de consumo de agua eficiente saludable y hermoso. Ideal para todos los niveles de jardineros.
💧 This seminar is part of our Smart Irrigation series.
Presented by Joe Schneider of Western States Reclamation
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Turf Transformation: Planning and Removal
Tues. May 13, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Explore effective turf removal methods and the secrets to successful implementation. From smart planning strategies to practical best practices, gain the tools and insights needed to transform your outdoor spaces with confidence and ease! Great for beginner gardeners.
🌱 This seminar is part of our Turf Transformation series.
Presented by Hayden Bernot of Resource Central
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Bees! & Other Pollinators Too
Tues. May 20, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
In honor of World Bee Day, let’s look at some of the most common species you may be able to attract. This seminar will touch on honeybees, beekeeping, native bees in Colorado, and plants that provide good habitat for bees and other pollinators too. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Cassey Anderson of CSU Extension
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Vegetable Garden Care Through the Seasons | El Cuidado del Jardín de Vegetales a lo Largo de las Estaciones
Thurs. May 22, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
*Spanish translation is available during this seminar!
Once your veggie garden is established, the work is far from over! In this webinar, Jessica Romer will discuss all the important aspects of caring for your garden throughout the season. You can expect to learn about mulching, weeding, pests and diseases, and even how to continue your garden into the fall. Great for beginner gardeners.
¡Una vez establecido el jardín de vegetales, el trabajo acaba de empezar! En este
webinar, Jessica Romer cubrirá todos los aspectos importantes del cuidado de su jardín durante toda la temporada. Podrá aprender sobre el mantillo, el desmalezado, las plagas y enfermedades, e incluso cómo mantener su jardín en otoño. Ideal para los jardineros principiantes.
Presented by Jessica Romer
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Waterwise Gardening at Higher Elevations
Wed. May 28, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Gardening in the mountains can pose many challenges, but can also be quite rewarding. In this seminar, Irene Shonle will discuss how to choose the most successful plants for higher elevations, evaluate your yard to plant the right plant in the right place, reduce water usage, and deal with critters. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Irene Shonle
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Compost and Soil Health
Tues. June 10, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Why is compost so hot? Rutger Myers will discuss why compost and soil health are the foundations of a home garden. You can expect to learn how to make compost in your back yard, how to use compost in your garden and why healthy soil can save the world. Great for beginner gardeners.
Presented by Rutger Myers of Eco-Cycle
Insect Visitors in Your Garden: Friend or Foe? | Los Insectos Que Visitan su Jardín: ¿Amigos o Enemigos?
Tues. June 24, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
*Spanish translation is available during this seminar!
How many aphids can a ladybug eat? Colorado gardens have a wide diversity of insect and arthropod visitors, each playing a key role in the garden ecosystem – yes, even wasps have their purpose! This seminar will go over a broad range of garden insects and arthropods, their role in the ecosystem, and if they are a friend or foe. We will cover the benefits insects and arthropods provide, as well as management options for some of the common pests and invasive species we find in the garden. Great for all levels of gardeners.
¿Cuántos áfidos puede comer una mariquita? Los jardines de Colorado tienen una amplia diversidad de insectos y artrópodos que los visitan, y cada uno tiene un papel clave en el ecosistema de los jardines; es así, ¡hasta las avispas tienen su razón de ser! Este seminario cubrirá una amplia gama de insectos y artrópodos del jardín, su papel en el ecosistema, y si son amigos o enemigos. Cubriremos los beneficios que brindan los insectos y artrópodos, así como las opciones de manejo para algunas de las plagas y especies invasoras frecuentes que encontramos en el jardín. Ideal para todos los niveles de jardineros.
Presented by Lisa Mason of CSU Extension
Sustainable High Altitude Gardening with Colorado Native Plants
Thurs. June 26, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Gardening in the high country means your garden is a lot closer to the wildlands. Gardening with native plants is essential for successful high elevation gardening, but sometimes native plants are hard to find in the nurseries. In this webinar, we will explore how a seasonal approach to native plant gardening can start a native plant revolution in your community. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Maggie Gaddis of Colorado Native Plant Society
Turf Transformation: Converting the Space
Tues. July 15, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Take the next step in your turf transformation! Learn about best substrates, planting tips and tricks, and the importance of converting your irrigation during the turf removal process. Great for intermediate level gardeners.
🌱 This seminar is part of our Turf Transformation series.
Presented by Hayden Bernot of Resource Central
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Perennials and Late-Summer Planting and Care
Tues. August 5, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
While many of your plants shine in the spring and summer, don’t forget about plants that can add a lot of impact and color to your landscape in the late summer and fall. Not only is there a great selection of perennials that flower, but some even have wonderful leaf color. Late summer and fall are also great times to plant, do clean-up, and general maintenance before winter. Great for beginner gardeners.
Presented by Alison O’Connor of CSU Extension in Larimer County
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Defensible Space: Using Firewise Landscaping
Wed. August 13, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Join Wildfire Mitigation Specialist, Leslie Brodhead, to learn how to use firewise landscaping in the first 100 feet around your home to lessen your wildfire risk. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Leslie Brodhead of Wildfire Advice LLC
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Putting the Garden to Bed: Master Gardener Q&A
Tues. August 19, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
Set the stage for a successful growing season next year with proper fall clean-up techniques. Master Gardener volunteers from CSU Extension Boulder County will cover the basics and answer your fall gardening questions. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Master Gardeners of CSU Extension Boulder County
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Pollinator-Minded Fall/Winter Garden Care
Wed. August 27, 2025 | 6:30-8:00 PM MT
So you’ve planted your flowers and the pollinators have arrived to sample the goods – a proud moment! But will the little ones continue to approve of your garden when temperatures drop and seasons shift? Join in for an exploration of what it REALLY means to garden for pollinators and the little guys, and explore techniques and approaches to Fall and Winter care of your space. Great for all levels of gardeners.
Presented by Ashley White of the Butterfly Pavilion
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February 4, 2025 | Intro to Xeriscape by Curtis Manning
February 13, 2025 | Trees and Waterwise Landscaping by Eric Hammond
Community Reviews

4.6 star rating overall
“I’ve watched or listened to as many of these seminars as I could and find them so useful. I always have a take away. Thank you!”
Seminar Participant, 2024
“Thank you, that was extremely informative! I learned so many interesting tips and so much valuable information. Really amazing presentation and presenter!”
Seminar Participant, 2024
“This presentation was very skillfully done. Well organized, great visual aids, easy to understand. I learned so much!”
Seminar Participant, 2024
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