Rebuild With A Waterwise Garden

Resource Central is partnering with Community Foundation Boulder County to offer perennial, waterwise Garden In A Box kits to any fire-affected homes that were damaged or destroyed in the 2021 Marshall Fire in an effort to assist in the rebuild effort. Qualifying homes will be eligible to receive up to two 100 square foot gardens for free as well as access to volunteer planting help as needed. We are hoping this partnership assists our community in rebuilding “home,” which includes your yard!

TO GET STARTED, fill out the online interest form, and we’ll be in touch.

Program Status Update: We are accepting applications for Spring 2024 and Fall 2024 only. One application per address. This is a one-time-only offer, no repeat applications will be approved at this time.

What Is Garden In A Box?

  • A waterwise garden alternative to turf grass. Learn more here. 
  • DIY garden kit comes with starter plants, plant-by-number maps, and plant care information.
  • Our gardens are available to claim in either
    • March for pick up in the spring (May & June) 
    • June for pick up in the fall (August & September)
    • Eligibility does not expire if you need to move to a later season. 

How It Works

After your interest form is received, reviewed and approved, we will notify you within 2 weeks to provide you with instructions on how to claim this discount through our online garden store.  Please do not place orders without first being approved or you will not receive the full discount!  If approved, you are eligible to receive up to 2 gardens from the selections below. 


  • Any homes deemed “damaged” or “destroyed” by Marshall Fire are eligible. This designation will be verified after your application is submitted via the official Damage Assessment Map. 
  • If your property is not listed as damaged or destroyed on the map, our updated guidelines require one of the following criteria to apply to you in order to participate:
    1. You have obtained a building permit from your jurisdiction for repairs or renovations for fire-related damages.
    2. Or if you can confirm your landscaping was damaged or destroyed by Marshall Fire by signing an affidavit.
  • Qualifying homes are eligible for up to two qualifying Garden In A Box kits free of cost.
  • Gardens are offered on a first-come, first-served basis each season to those who apply and qualify. 

2024 Gardens

Bees & Blooms

100 sq ft | Full Sun

Native Shadows

100 sq ft | Part Shade

Eager To Start Planning a New Garden?

Check out these resources…

Have Questions?

Email us at or call us at 303-999-3820 x222.