Red Birds In A Tree flowers

Beat the Heat in Your Garden

Colorado has always had extreme weather, but with climate change, we are experiencing even more intense heat waves and droughts. How do we take care of our gardens to ensure success even through the hottest summer days?

🌱 Plant Waterwise

  • Waterwise and native plants are adapted to withstand even the hottest Colorado days. Once established, they not only save you water but also provide food and nectar to pollinators all season long. Garden In A Box kits are a great place to start!

💧 When to Water

  • Water your garden during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening. This maximizes moisture absorption to the plant’s roots and minimizes evaporation from the hot sun. Mulching can also help decrease evaporation and prevent weeds.

💧 Prioritize Watering Needs

  • Top watering priority should go towards young or newly planted shrubs, trees, and plants as they develop their root systems. Check the soil for moisture level before watering. Clay soils, which are common in Colorado, can hold moisture for long periods of time.

☀️ Train Your Plants to be Robust

  • Waterwise plants don’t need to be watered every day! Watering deeply and less frequently trains your plants to establish deep roots, creating robust plants that are more drought—and disease-resistant.

Red, yellow, and purple wild flowers.
