Q: Do I really need to water during the winter? A: Definitely! High winds, dry air, low humidity, low precipitation, and fluctuating temperatures are normal in our climate, and they can

Q: Do I really need to water during the winter? A: Definitely! High winds, dry air, low humidity, low precipitation, and fluctuating temperatures are normal in our climate, and they can
Once your veggie garden is established, the work is far from over! In this webinar, Jessica Romer will discuss all the important aspects of caring for your garden throughout the
Colorado is a tough place to be a tree! This talk will prepare you for success by going over how to select, plant and care for a tree in our
Learn how to plan your space to best attract pollinators and learn about some top varieties that you can select! Register online here: https://resourcecentral.org/seminars/
Become a waterwise plant pro by learning the ins and outs of native plants in our arid climate. From pollinator-friendly flowers to the best shade trees, Deryn Davidson will cover
There are so many plant choices when it comes to planting your waterwise landscape. In this presentation, Alison O’Connor will cover a variety of choices for perennials, shrubs, trees, and
Designing your garden-to-be and selecting appropriate plants for your space is key to a successful, low-water garden! Native plants are a great option and yield so many benefits for your
This presentation will walk you through the 7 xeriscape principles using photos and in-depth descriptions about how to plan and execute your project. From design to soil preparation to irrigation
Permaculture is a design science that uses nature as a model for building resilient human systems. In this class, you will learn how we can use natural ecosystems as a
Regenerative agriculture is a fairly new term that utilizes the age-old principles of earth stewardship and holistic concern for plants, microorganisms, and soil. This workshop will cover the importance of