Project Portal

Welcome to the Lawn Replacement program! 

Navigate through the content using the tabs below learn more about the application and project process. You can also book a consultation with our team to discuss any questions you may have. 

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Program Information

Explore the lawn replacement library, our cancellation policy, and priority deadline. The lawn replacement library offers diverse landscaping options, the cancellation policy ensures flexibility, and the priority deadline prioritizes timely service.

Explore Our Resource Library for a Successful Lawn Replacement Journey

Embarking on a lawn replacement project? Our comprehensive Resource Library is here to guide you every step of the way. Take advantage of valuable information to ensure your project’s success:

1. Accurate Measurement Techniques:
Learn how to measure your space accurately for precise project planning and accurate pricing.

2. Photography Tips:
Discover the art of capturing effective project photos to showcase your project accurately.

3. Replacement Material Insights:
Explore information on suitable replacement materials for your unique space.

4. Waterwise Yard Irrigation Updates:
Understand the process of updating your irrigation system for a waterwise and efficient yard.

5. DIY Removal Methods:
Removing your turf yourself? Find expert guidance on effective removal methods.

Our Resource Library is designed to empower you with the knowledge needed for a successful lawn replacement. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just starting, these resources will be your go-to companions. Begin your journey today and transform your outdoor space into a beautiful, water-efficient oasis.

Ready to dive in? Explore our Resource Library here.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that circumstances may arise that require participants to cancel their involvement in the Lawn Removal Program. To ensure a smooth process and fair treatment for all participants, we have established the following cancellation policy:

Cancellation Before Your Deadline:

  • Participants who wish to cancel before the deadline (outlined in the “Lawn Replacement Project: Pre-Approved” email) can do so by resubmitting the project confirmation form or by reaching out to us directly.
  • Timely communication is crucial to allow other participants to access discounts and participate in the program.
  • Your cooperation is appreciated, as it ensures the success of the initiative for all involved parties.

Cancellation After Deadline:

  • If you decide to cancel the project after your deadline you will be charged the full price of your gardens
  • In addition to the financial implications, your discount/water provider will be notified of the cancellation.
  • Timely communication remains essential, and your understanding of the impact on other participants is appreciated.

By submitting the project confirmation form, you confirm your commitment to the project and acknowledge the terms outlined in this cancellation policy. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us directly.

1. After Your Application:

We’ll take a look at your application and reach out within 2 weeks.

2. Pre-Approved – Submit Your Contract (Deadline: Within 14 days of Pre-Approval)

  • Once our staff has confirmed your discount, you’ll finish your contract to let us know:
    • What your final project size is.
    • Show us photos of the area.
    • What you’ll be replacing your lawn with.
    • Percentage of project area in plants vs ground cover materials.
    • How you are changing your irrigation.
    • Agree to the terms and conditions of our program.

3. Approval – Confirm Your Project (Deadline: Within 14 days of Approval)

    • If your contract looks good and you are approved, you will complete your confirmation form.
    • You will confirm your project completion date.

4. Confirmed

    • Once you’ve submitted your application, contract, and confirmation form, your project is confirmed!
    • Begin work on remove your turf!

5. Progress Photos

    • You must submit your 75% progress photos 10 days before your garden pick-up date.
    • If we do not receive your photos, you will not be eligible to pick-up your gardens and will be invoiced the cost of the gardens.

Lawn Replacement Gardens vs. Resource Central Garden In A Box Program

Our Lawn Replacement Gardens are separate from the Resource Central Garden In A Box program. We manage different inventories and specific garden pick-up schedules to closely match the lawn removal process.

If You’re Ordering Both:

If you’re ordering gardens separately and in addition to the Lawn Replacement program, please note our pick-up dates for lawn replacements. It’s best to align your garden store order with the pick-up date you select for our program.

April 1 Priority Deadline Applicants – Garden Pick-ups:

June 1st – Greenwood Village City Hall
June 6th – Erie Ball Fields
June 7th – Denver Auraria Campus
June 8th – Westminster City Hall

June 17 Priority Deadline Applicants, you will select your August pick-up date in the coming months.

About Our Gardens:

Our gardens draw inspiration from Golden Hour and Native Shadows. You can explore the plant materials and planting maps tailored to the Lawn Replacement sizes below.

Sun Gardens | Part Shade Gardens

Project Tasks

Explore the project checklist, complete your contractt/project confirmation form, and DIY after photos. The project checklist ensures a comprehensive overview, fill out your contract and project confirmation form, and submit your DIY after photos to claim your gardens.

Step 1. Submitted Application – Initial Assessment


  • Make sure you received 2 confirmation emails
    • Lawn Replacement Project: Application Receipt 1 of 2
    • Lawn Replacement Project: Application Receipt 2 of 2
  • Hold tight! Staff will reach out within 2 weeks
  • Measure your space and take photos

Lawn Team:

  • We will verify if your discount is available
  • We will place your garden order
  • If requirements are met and discounts are available, your project is verified, securing your discount for your gardens.

Project Status: Pre-Approved

Step 2. Complete your contract


  • Submit your contract
    • Final project size
    • Project area photos
    • Garden Pick-up date selection
    • Liability Waiver
  • Important Notes:
    • After photos of your lawn removed are due 14 days before your garden pick-up date so choose your garden pick-up around when you plan to finish your project
    • You cannot change your project after your contract deadline
    • Add photos of your lawn with the project area outlined (use a hose, spray paint, a rope, or a Google Maps image

Lawn Team:

  • Our staff will verify your project meets our requirements
  • If your lawn condition meets our requirements and your water bill is in good standing, your project is approved

Project Status: Approved!

Step 3. Submit your project confirmation


  • Confirm you are proceeding with your project
  • Agree to the project cancellation policy
  • If you wish to cancel your project, you can do so through this form

Lawn Team:

  • Staff will confirm your project

Project Status: Confirmed!

Step 4. Project Completion – Submit After Photos


  • Submit your 811 ticket
  • Start your removal!
  • Take pictures and submit your after photos in the project portal

Lawn Team:

  • Staff will review your post-removal photos and confirm your garden pick-up

Project Status: Completed! Happy Planting!

Your Contract Checklist:

  1. 📸 Take Photos:
    • Capture clear photos of your yard with the project area clearly outlined
    • You can use a rope, spray paint, a hose or even Google Maps if savvy
    • If your yard is snowy, no rush – you have until your deadline to send us photos if your discount has been confirmed
  2. 📏 Finalize Project Square Footage:
    • Provide the accurate and finalized square footage of your project area.
    • Be as accurate as possible.
    • This determines the price you pay on removal day!
    • Our crews will be unable to remove additional square feet on removal day.
  3. 🌿 Replacement Materials:
    • Specify the number of square feet dedicated to plant material in your project – you must be replacing turf with 50% plant material
    • You must replace at least 50% of the removed turf area with:
      Waterwise perennial gardens (preferred), Small-to-medium size patios and decks using permeable materials, Buffalograss (Buchloë dactyloides), Other low-water grasses, Clover, Wildflowers, Permeable rock, stone, or gravel areas or pathways or any other combination thereof.
    • Remember, artificial turf and impermeable surfaces are not allowed.
  4. 🗒️ Project Details:
    • Share key details about your project, helping us understand your vision and requirements!
    • What is your irrigation plan?
    • Have you checked with your HOA?
    • What questions do you have for us?

Completing this checklist ensures a smooth contract completion.

Once our team has confirmed your discount and project, you will receive the contract password. You can find the password in your email titled “Lawn Replacement Project: Pre-approved”

Project Confirmation

This marks the final step in the application process for the Lawn Replacement project. Completion by this date is crucial to maintain your eligibility for discounts. Failure to do so may result in a loss of discount eligibility, although you can still participate.

Your submission confirms your commitment to the project. In the event of cancellation after the deadline, you will be charged the full price of your garden order and your discount provider/water provider will be notified.


Kindly inform us of your decision to cancel through this form or by reaching out to us directly. This ensures that others can take advantage of available discounts and garden opportunities.

You can cancel at any time without penalty before your deadline. If you have previously submitted this form and later decide to cancel, you can resubmit the form and indicate your cancellation. Upon processing, you will receive an email confirmation acknowledging your cancellation.

Once our team has reviewed your contract and approved your project, you will receive the project confirmation password. You can find the password in your email titled “Lawn Replacement Project: Approved”

After Photos

Congratulations on completing your DIY project! Please submit your post-removal photos below. Once our dedicated staff verifies the completion of your project, we’ll promptly confirm your garden pick-up with you.

Please ensure that your after-photos of 75% progress are submitted at least 10 days before the scheduled garden pick-up date specified in your contract. For easy reference, check your email titled ‘Lawn Replacement Project: Pre-Approved.’

Thank you for your cooperation!

Once our team has confirmed your project, you will receive the password. You can find the password in your email titled “Lawn Replacement Project: Confirmed!”

Garden Pick-up Selection

Have More Questions?

Book a Consultation

Or email the Lawn Replacement Team / call us at 303-999-3820 x221