
Watt’z Up Wednesday: Energy Pledge

Want to get students truly invested in saving energy? A Classroom Energy Pledge turns good intentions into real commitments, making conservation a shared responsibility. This place-based learning activity helps students take ownership of their energy use while fostering teamwork and accountability.

What is a Classroom Energy Pledge?

A Classroom Energy Pledge is a student-created agreement outlining simple actions to conserve energy. By working together to set goals and track progress, students develop student agency, taking responsibility for their impact on the environment.

How Develop Student Agency with a Classroom Energy Pledge

Brainstorm Together

Ask students what small actions they can take to save energy in the classroom. Write their ideas on the board. Some examples include:

  • Turning off lights when leaving the room
  • Unplugging unused devices
  • Using natural daylight instead of overhead lights


Create the Pledge

Combine student ideas into a short, simple pledge. For example:

“We pledge to turn off lights when not needed, unplug devices, and use daylight whenever possible.”

Sign It

Have each student sign the pledge and display it prominently in the classroom as a daily reminder.

Track Progress

Assign rotating “energy leaders” each week to check if the class is following the agreement and report back. Use stickers or a tracking chart to celebrate progress.

Extend the Lesson

School-Wide Initiative

Encourage multiple classrooms to create their own pledges and display them throughout the school.

Energy Pledge at Home

Challenge students to write a family pledge and get their household involved in saving energy.


Did You Know?

💡 Behavior-based energy conservation programs in schools have been shown to cut energy use by 5-15%—just by getting students and teachers to change their daily habits!


Join the Movement to Save Energy

Creating a Classroom Energy Pledge is a fun, interactive way to integrate place-based learning and student agency into STEM education. By participating, students take ownership of their energy use and feel empowered to make real-world changes in their schools and communities.

Want to go even further? Join a Renew Our Schools competition today!
