Resource Central hosts a regular series of conservation events open to the public, including seminars.

As a proud member of Colorado’s conservation community, we also promote events hosted by our partners in the Front Range. If you know of an event that helps communities put conservation into action, contact us!

Town of Erie Free Materials Pickup

Erie residents: Register for FREE donation pickups of building materials, such as cabinet sets, working appliances, lumber, tools, and more!

Waterwise Yard Seminars – Intro to Xeriscape

Online via Zoom

Learn about the fundamental principles of low water gardens including: design considerations, lawn removal, soil preparation, irrigation, plant selection, mulch and maintenance. You’ll walk away with lots of information on how to save water in your landscape! Great for all levels of gardeners. Sponsored by Loveland Water and Power. 

Town of Erie Free Materials Pickup

Erie residents: Register for FREE donation pickups of building materials, such as cabinet sets, working appliances, lumber, tools, and more!

Town of Erie Free Materials Pickup

Erie residents: Register for FREE donation pickups of building materials, such as cabinet sets, working appliances, lumber, tools, and more!

Waterwise Yard Seminars – Trees and Waterwise Landscaping

Online via Zoom

More and more landscapes are being designed or converted to have lower irrigation needs. This can lead to issues with trees growing or planted in those landscapes as they often have higher water needs than xeric elements. This course will cover strategies to have success growing trees in lower water use landscapes. Participants will learn irrigation strategies for trees and species of trees which are more drought tolerant. Great for all levels of gardeners. Sponsored by Northern Water.

Workshop: Harness the Power of Solar Thermal Energy

Resource Central: Materials Reuse 6400 Arapahoe Rd, Boulder, CO, United States

Join Resource Central and Perks Deconstruction on Saturday, February 15th from 12 PM to 2 PM for a free, in-depth workshop on solar thermal energy.

Waterwise Yard Seminars – Designing Rain Gardens: A Permaculture Perspective

Online via Zoom

Are you eager to channel the run-off from your roof and hardscapes into your landscape to maximize diverse vegetation? This webinar, grounded in permaculture design techniques, will overview how to calculate rain water runoff and design appropriately sized catchments, select and design appropriate plant communities for intermittent dry and wet periods, and turn your soil into a living sponge. Great for intermediate level gardeners. Sponsored by South Adams County Water and Sanitation District.

Town of Erie Free Materials Pickup

Erie residents: Register for FREE donation pickups of building materials, such as cabinet sets, working appliances, lumber, tools, and more!