Image of a yellow flower with the words Garden In A Box is heading west

Garden In A Box is growing west!

After 21 years of growing on the front range of Colorado, we’re excited that our Garden In A Box program is spreading over the Rockies and into the western slope. The western expansion of the program is made possible with sponsorship from several water partners and support from the Colorado Water Conservation Board. We’re excited to help more communities transform their yards into waterwise landscapes and pollinator habitats this year!

We are thrilled to be working in partnership with the following water partners in the mountain region and on the western slope to offer discounts and convenient order pickups: Aspen, Avon, Basalt, Cortez, Dotsero, Drought Response Info Project, Durango, Town of Eagle, Edwards Metro District, El Jebel, Grand Junction, Snowmass Water and Sanitation, Vail, and Yampa Valley Sustainability Council in Steamboat Springs. Residents in these western slope areas may be eligible to claim $25 discounts on a first-come, first-served basis during our spring and late summer ordering seasons.

Garden In A Box is our popular water conservation program that offers professionally designed, perennial garden kits including starter plants, plant-by-number maps, and a comprehensive Plant and Care Guide offering watering and seasonal maintenance suggestions designed to save water compared to irrigated lawn. Garden kits are available for purchase and pickup twice a year – in the spring and late summer – and are intended to be planted in both spring and late summer. This year’s collection includes a garden kit designed by Susan Carter of the City of Grand Junction and a garden kit designed by Kenton Seth of Paintbrush Gardens also out of western Colorado.

If you’d like to learn more about the Garden In A Box program, we encourage you to sign up for our program’s Interest list where we keep folks informed of all important program dates and insider knowledge on our annual collection.
