This year, our Garden In A Box program is spreading over the Rockies and into the western slope of Colorado.

This year, our Garden In A Box program is spreading over the Rockies and into the western slope of Colorado.
Q: Do I really need to water during the winter? A: Definitely! High winds, dry air, low humidity, low precipitation, and fluctuating temperatures are normal in our climate, and they can
Here are our favorite reasons for planting perennials in the late summer!
As Xeriscaping, now also referred to as ColoradoScaping or waterwise landscaping, is getting its moment in Colorado’s news (also here and here and here) this year we wanted to
Let’s discuss one of the seven principles of Xeriscaping that we get the most questions about – mulch! For clarity’s sake, we are talking about mulches that fit into a
Q: Amending my soil feels daunting. What should I consider when thinking about it? A: A soil amendment is any material added to the soil (as opposed to mulch, which
While there are certainly some beneficial tasks to complete in the fall in your Colorado garden, we believe less is more.
Resource Central piloted a new program in partnership with the City of Longmont this year to help expand the reach of Garden In A Box to under-served community members. The
Q: “With COVID-19 are we still doing regularly scheduled drive-thru pickups?” A: As of now, yes, but pickups will most certainly be modified in some capacity. We are closely
Q: “I have an area in my yard that’s completely shaded by my neighbor’s pine tree. It’s almost always covered in pine needles. Is there a Garden In A