Ask Miss Jean!
Jean Lovell, long-time Resource Central volunteer and former master gardener, tackles your gardening questions!
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Gifts From You To Your Garden
I’m doing things a bit differently this December. For one, no Q & A. Every few years, in December, we’ve dealt with gifts for gardeners, for the most part, tools and other things to make gardening easier. This year I want to look at gifts specifically to give to your garden, to make it more beautiful, more fun, and maybe even happier; and while we’re at it hopefully they’ll make you happier, too.
Art belongs in the garden as well as indoors. Google “garden sculptures”, “garden art”, “outdoor décor”, and the like. Visit local art galleries. Make your own. Go with whatever you like, formal or informal. Get creative – old dinnerware can brighten a dark corner. I have a bright orange tile that does just that; I like it even though it doesn’t fit my indoor décor.
Garden spinners, like these, and pinwheels add whimsey when the wind catches them.
A garden gate or arch might be the start of a path through the garden, or lead to a new garden you’ve been pondering – maybe a water garden, focused on plants that grow best in water, and often including fish; a butterfly garden; or a hummingbird garden. I even found a hummingbird swing, “specially designed to attract hummingbirds” and give these vigorous birds a resting place! Be sure to put it next to your hummingbird feeder.
Perhaps a fairy garden would be enticing. Fairy gardens have been in the U. S. since 1893, but they were new to me this past year. They are miniature gardens with small plants and appropriately sized structures and accessories and limited only by your imagination. They are like pure magic and can delightfully fill in tiny spaces.
Watching birds of all sorts is enjoyable, relaxing, and great for reducing stress. Birds are also natural pest and weed controllers making them great for the garden as well. Adding a birdhouse or two, a birdbath, and or a bird feeder along with bird-friendly plants like these will bring more of them into your life.
Trellises and obelisks could give a site for adding some tall plants in the spring.
A treehouse need not be only for the kids.
All gardens need light for night-time safety and security, but garden lighting also serves to highlight outstanding plants and architecture. Electricity is permanent; hurricane lanterns create a different mood.
Many more ideas are available here and here or at your local garden shops! Happy garden gifting!